E-commerce and Logistics
Code UE : USM30J
- Cours
- 4 crédits
Public, conditions d’accès et prérequis
M2 Master in Management MIM:
- MR13403A Master in International Business and Corporate Development
- MR11802A Master in E-Business and Digital Marketing
Objectifs pédagogiques
The objective of this course is to study the evolution of business models with the appearance of the internet and connected objects. A part of the course is devoted to the impact of digital business models on logistics constraints.
The emergence of the internet has created new business by changing the catchment area of shops. Buyers today are facing a very important choice. The problem is now to capture the prospect and turn it into a customer. Several strategies are being studied (Product dominant logic, Services dominant logic, Data dominant logic).
The course exposes changes in purchasing behavior and internet opportunities, particularly in terms of user tracking and commercial analysis of data.
A presentation and analysis of the business models used abroad will be made by the students. Particular emphasis is placed on the BRICS and the transposition of the European and North American models.
Strategies such as web-to-store, Instant deal, Embedded deals are analyzed to see marketing opportunities. An inventory of online shopping can isolate emerging markets.
A huge part is dedicated to web site analysis and the creation of an online strategy.
In a final part, the course presents the impact of these new forms of purchase on logistic constraints. Many emerging markets (Africa, Asia) are today constrained by the postal distribution network and the lack of a cadastre.
The emergence of the internet has created new business by changing the catchment area of shops. Buyers today are facing a very important choice. The problem is now to capture the prospect and turn it into a customer. Several strategies are being studied (Product dominant logic, Services dominant logic, Data dominant logic).
The course exposes changes in purchasing behavior and internet opportunities, particularly in terms of user tracking and commercial analysis of data.
A presentation and analysis of the business models used abroad will be made by the students. Particular emphasis is placed on the BRICS and the transposition of the European and North American models.
Strategies such as web-to-store, Instant deal, Embedded deals are analyzed to see marketing opportunities. An inventory of online shopping can isolate emerging markets.
A huge part is dedicated to web site analysis and the creation of an online strategy.
In a final part, the course presents the impact of these new forms of purchase on logistic constraints. Many emerging markets (Africa, Asia) are today constrained by the postal distribution network and the lack of a cadastre.
- Introduction to E-business history and main business models
- Digitalisation of business model: principles of innovation and added value of a BM, Dashboard and KPI to digitalize a BM
- Study of BM digitalization and mass consumption product
- Study of BM digitalization and luxury product
- Website and mobile applications strategies
- Logistic impacts
Modalité d'évaluation
Individual and group work, class participation.
- Simon Kingsnorth (Author) : Digital Marketing Strategy: An Integrated Approach to Online Marketing Kindle Edition by Simon Kingsnorth (Author)
Cette UE apparaît dans les diplômes et certificats suivants
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Chargement du résultat...
Intitulé de la formation |
Type |
Modalité(s) |
Lieu(x) |
Intitulé de la formation
Master Droit, économie et gestion mention marketing, vente Parcours E-Business and Digital Marketing
Intitulé de la formation
Diplôme d'établissement Master of Science in Management Parcours E-business and digital marketing
Intitulé de la formation | Type | Modalité(s) | Lieu(x) |
Cnam - IIM - EPN stratégies - Programmes Master in Management (MIM)
EPN15, 2 rue Conté bureau 31.2.31
75003 Paris
Tel :00 33 1 58 80 85 64
Sophie Le Liboux
EPN15, 2 rue Conté bureau 31.2.31
75003 Paris
Tel :00 33 1 58 80 85 64
Sophie Le Liboux
Voir le site
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Enseignement non encore programmé
Code UE : USM30J
- Cours
- 4 crédits