Career Development and Coaching
Code UE : USII26
- Cours
- 3 crédits
Public, conditions d’accès et prérequis
- Bachelor’s Degree holder or equivalent
- 3 years of professional experience
- Proficiency in English: (TOEFL IBT 90 or IELTS: 6.5 or TOEIC 800)
Objectifs pédagogiques
CNAM MBA values its students and is invested in their career success. Its goal is to empower its students so that they may manage and advance their career to meet their professional and personal objectives.
CNAM MBA offers a variety of services for student engagement, from conferences, professional development workshops to individual career coaching. These resources are available to help its students take meaningful ownership of their professional development.
Supporting MBA students in managing their Career is essential. The Career Management and Coaching Program will help them make better, more satisfying career and personal decisions. It will help them understand themselves more deeply, improve their self-confidence, determine their career objective and develop an action plan (write an effective resume and cover letter/sales brochure or promotional leaflet, review the demands of job offers/look up for assignments more rigorously and prepare for interviews).
CNAM MBA Career coaches are committed to supporting and assisting the self management of its MBA students’ career and enhancing their personal and professional development. This program is part of the curriculum.
CNAM MBA offers a variety of services for student engagement, from conferences, professional development workshops to individual career coaching. These resources are available to help its students take meaningful ownership of their professional development.
Supporting MBA students in managing their Career is essential. The Career Management and Coaching Program will help them make better, more satisfying career and personal decisions. It will help them understand themselves more deeply, improve their self-confidence, determine their career objective and develop an action plan (write an effective resume and cover letter/sales brochure or promotional leaflet, review the demands of job offers/look up for assignments more rigorously and prepare for interviews).
CNAM MBA Career coaches are committed to supporting and assisting the self management of its MBA students’ career and enhancing their personal and professional development. This program is part of the curriculum.
Compétences visées
At the end of this career coaching support, MBA students will be more aware of their talents and operating mode, be equipped with efficient assignment/job search skills and techniques aligned with their strategy and the job market and ultimately be able to value themselves.
They will have analyzed their professional experience, have identified their core values and motivations and will have determined their career objective.
They will know how to write an effective resume/promotional leaflet.
They will know how to present their achievements and specificities and write a personal and attractive cover letter.
They will know how to make a short presentation of their professional experience/competitive advantage using a guideline.
In a word, their professional project will be consistent both with themselves and as a whole and they will know how to market themselves efficiently.
They will have analyzed their professional experience, have identified their core values and motivations and will have determined their career objective.
They will know how to write an effective resume/promotional leaflet.
They will know how to present their achievements and specificities and write a personal and attractive cover letter.
They will know how to make a short presentation of their professional experience/competitive advantage using a guideline.
In a word, their professional project will be consistent both with themselves and as a whole and they will know how to market themselves efficiently.
Career coaches work with students in workshops and individually to help them through a detailed self-assessment program which leads to the development of a Personal Career Plan, a guiding strategy for defining and achieving career objectives.
Once per month
Individual coaching
One-on-one counseling from a career coach – two hours per student,
Once per month
Individual coaching
One-on-one counseling from a career coach – two hours per student,
Modalité d'évaluation
- Contrôle continu
- Projet(s)
Cette UE apparaît dans les diplômes et certificats suivants
Rechercher une formation
Plus de critères de recherche sont proposés:
Vous pouvez sélectionner des formations grâce à un mot ou à une expression (chaîne de caractères) présent dans l’intitulé de la formation, sa description ou ses index (discipline ou métier).
Des mots-clés sont suggérés à partir du 3e caractère saisi, mais vous pouvez aussi rechercher librement. - Les différents items sélectionnés sont croisés.
ex: "Comptabilité" et "Diplôme" - Les résultats comprennent des formations du Cnam Liban (UE, diplômes, certificats, stages) et des formations proposées à distance par d'autres centres du Cnam.
- Les codes des formations du Liban se terminent par le suffixe LIB.
- Dans tous les cas, veillez à ne pas insérer d'espace ni de ponctuation supplémentaire.
Plus de critères de recherche sont proposés:
- Type de diplôme
- Niveau d'entrée
- Modalité de l'enseignement
- Programmation semestrielle
Chargement du résultat...

Intitulé de la formation |
Type |
Modalité(s) |
Lieu(x) |
Intitulé de la formation
Executive MBA - Master of Business Administration
Intitulé de la formation | Type | Modalité(s) | Lieu(x) |
Voir le calendrier, le tarif, les conditions d'accessibilité et les modalités d'inscription dans le(s) centre(s) d'enseignement qui propose(nt) cette formation.
Enseignement non encore programmé
Code UE : USII26
- Cours
- 3 crédits